Phase Shift Keying
- 网络相移键控;移相键控;相位键控

Phase Shift Keying ( Phase-Shift-Keying PSK ) signal is a kind of common digital communication modulation signal .
Digital phase shift keying ( PSK ), because of its high spectrum efficiency , BER performance , flexible , is especially suitable for high data transmission and fast fading channels .
Underwater Acoustic Data Transmission Based on Differential Phase Shift Keying
Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Phase Shift Keying
All digital receiver of quadrature phase shift keying with large frequency shift correction
Double Baseband Processing Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulation Technique
Analysis on transmission characteristics of differential phase shift keying signal of continuous pressure wave in drilling fluid channel
The design was implemented with binary phase shift keying ( BPSK ) .
Frequency differential phase shift keying demodulator Is there any reactive power error control in AVR ?
M-ary phase shift keying ( MPSK ) is a popular digital modulation technique in digital communication .
TFM belongs to Correlative Phase Shift Keying .
Quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ) signaling is employed to make efficient use of the available bandwidth .
MPSK ( Multiple Phase Shift Keying ) modulation and demodulation system is simple , mature and widely used in aerospace TT & C area .
IJF-OQPSK is actually to modulate the IJF codes by the Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying .
For quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ) modulation technique , a baseband DBF algorithm of smart antenna fixed beams is presented .
In Chapter 4 , we study the use of wavelet transform to estimate the symbol rate of an M-ary phase shift keying ( MPSK ) signal .
Feher patented Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ( FQPSK ), which is suitable for deep space communication , is introduced at first .
The performance estimation of quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ) signaling over a Rice lading channel was simulated and the corresponding analyzing results were obtained .
π / 4-QPSK ( Quaternary Phase Shift Keying ), an improved QPSK modulation , possess hig-her frequency efficiency and antinoise ability .
Intersymbol - Interference and Jitter Free Offset - keyed Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ( IJF-OQPSK ) is a new modulation method in modern digital modulation techniques .
Punctured convolutional coding with an 8 , 16 and 32 differential amplitude and phase shift keying ( DAPSK ) modulation is considered .
Wavelet transform ( WT ) provides a constant-Q filter analysis that is suitable for transient detection and characterization of M-ary phase shift keying ( MPSK ) signal .
The applied background of high-data-rate demodulator is discussed and the composition and operation principle of a new multirate Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ( QPSK ) demodulator is introduced .
And the paper also investigated the FPGA implement of direct digital synthesizer ( DDS ) and the design method of the difference phase shift keying ( DPSK ) modulation and demodulation based on the FPGA .
A QPSK blind sequence detection algorithm based on the ε - equalization principle is proposed . The algorithm can formulate the quadrature phase shift keying blind sequence detection into a quadratic programming with integer constraints .
In order to make the limited spectrum range accommodate more communication channels , some linear modulation techniques are proposed , such as QAM ( Quadrature Amplitude Modulation ), QPSK ( Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ), etc.
The new approach which merged the characteristic properties of fuzzy system has a high accuracy and fast convergence rate in comparison with usual algorithms . Simulations also show the superior performance in binary phase shift keying ( BPSK ) .
As the key component of satellite digital video broadcast receive system and chip , this paper ( pre - )( sented ) the design of an all-digital quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ) demodulator .
The Binary phase shift keying ( BPSK ) and Mary amplitude shift keying ( MASK ) are widely used in radar systems , their elliptic covariance do not equal zero , are noncircular signals .
The wireless measurement circuit of the sensor is analyzed and researched based on the process of MEMS and CMOS circuit and the phase shift keying modulation and demodulation circuits are designed with the core of CMOS Gilbert unit .